Bolens / Wisconsin/ Kohler Engine Muffler WD66 S7D,S8D,TRA10D

Price in points: 500 points
In stock

Aftermarket Muffler for many types of engines and tractorsReplaces Wisconsin part# WD66

Was used on SOME Wisconsin, S8D.TR10D,TRA10D , TRA12D and possibly others

Specs: For 1'' Pipe

If you are unsure if this will fit your particular Wisconsin engine or Application please ask before buying.

*We can also order the Genuine Wisconsin WD66 mufflers if you want them to have a heavy duty painted finish on the muffler, although they are expensive but great for restorations. These aftermarket mufflers are good for the "Daily drivers" in your collection. * *We also have the other styles of Mufflers & elbows available for these engines so if you need one not listed just contact us and we'll be glad to order or list them for you*